Karanwas and Maa Ganga

जय माँ गंगा

karanwas is a village in bulandshahr district Uttar Pradesh(U.P) . It is 12 km away from Anupshahr named Choti Kashi and 8km from Narora -Atomic power plant. This is small village and population of this place is about 2 thousand. A oldest temple of devi ji(Kalyani devi) is situated here . this very famous temple of this village and thousand of people come to visit this temple in navdurgas.Name of this place is due to Raja karn of mahabharat time. He gave a Dan of savaman(50 kg) gold at this place
daily. so this palce named by his name. This Village situated near the bank of river Ganga.

about river of ganga----- 
The Ganga, especially, is the river of India, beloved of her
people, round which are intertwined her memories, her hopes
and fears, her songs of triumph, her victories and her
defeats. She has been a symbol of India's age-long culture
and civilization, ever changing, ever flowing, and yet ever
the same Ganga.


good information in about of ganga.
Anonymous said…
really helpful blog and good sharing of knowledge about ganga.
yeah!! great blog with the right information. i really appreciate this devotional things..
Unknown said…
karanwas is a beautiful place for visitors.....i like to bath in ganga
Unknown said…
HEY GAURAV , who are you ? i too belong to karanwas and wanted to know who created this site of my village ....can you give me more details about your self , from which family , who's son etc. I am . col tejveer singh's daughter ...and my email is sunitamehrotra_4@yahoo.co.in

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